With the help of my colleagues and the leadership of Maria Marshall and Kami Goodwin, the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue has a new effort to educate and provide analysis around food and farm policy issues. We are calling it: Policy Briefs by the Purdue Agricultural Economics Department. Here's a short summary from the new website:
If you click on the link to the site, you'll see a couple short pieces by Roman Keeney explaining the Farm Bill and providing some background context for upcoming Farm Bill debates. We also recently added a post by yours truly providing a short primer on USDA food assistance programs. I provide an overview of programs like SNAP (aka "food stamps"), WIC, and school lunch, provide some history, look at the effects of SNAP, and outline some of the proposals to change SNAP. All that in only about 1,000 words!
Here are the first two paragraphs from the piece: